Roundabout Slider
[roundaboutslider category="Round About Slider" num=5 caption="true" width=780 height=280 orderby="date" order="ASC" speed=3000 scale=0.1]
- category : the category for slideshow
- num : number of items to display
- orderby : ID | author | title | date | rand | menu_order
- order : ASC | DESC
- width : the width value for slideshow (max 780 for roundabout slider)
- height : the height value for slideshow (max 280 for roundabout slider)
- caption : true | false , false to disable caption
- speed : slideshow speed value (in milliseconds), eg. 3000
- scale : 0.1 – 0.9, set to 0.9 for smallest scale
Nivo Slider
[nivoslider category="Full Image" num=5 speed=3000 transition="random" caption="true" width=940 height=350 orderby="date" order="ASC"]
- category : the category for slideshow
- num : number of items to display
- orderby : ID | author | title | date | rand | menu_order
- order : ASC | DESC
- width : the width value for slideshow (max 940 for roundabout slider)
- height : the height value for slideshow
- caption : true | false , false to disable caption
- speed : slideshow speed value (in milliseconds), eg. 3000
Kwicks Slider
[kwicksslider category="Full Image" num=5 caption="true" width=940 height=350 orderby="date" order="DESC"]
- category : the category for slideshow
- num : number of items to display
- orderby : ID | author | title | date | rand | menu_order
- order : ASC | DESC
- width : the width value for slideshow (max 940 for roundabout slider)
- height : the height value for slideshow
- caption : true | false , false to disable caption
[bxslider category="BXslider" num=4 width=940 mode="horizontal" orderby="date" order="DESC" speed=5000 pager="true" controls="true"]
- category : the category for slideshow
- num : number of items to display
- orderby : ID | author | title | date | rand | menu_order
- order : ASC | DESC
- width : the width value for slideshow (max 940 for roundabout slider)
- caption : true | false , false to disable caption
- mode : slider transition mode (horizontal | vertical | fade)
- speed : slideshow speed value in milliseconds(eg. 5000)
- pager : true | false, false to hide dot navigation
- controls : true | false, false to hide prev/next controls